Shropshire Fostering – part of Shropshire Council – is excited to announce a special fostering webinar on Thursday 20 March (2025), between 6pm and 6.30pm on Teams.
The link to register a place is here: Microsoft Virtual Events Powered by Teams. The webinar is for anyone in Shropshire who’s interested in fostering – now and in the future.
The webinar is the latest in a series run by the not-for-profit Shropshire Fostering.
“The fostering team will, as ever, be on hand to talk people through the ins and outs of fostering,’ explains Fostering Service Manager Erika Ower.
“And for this webinar, I’m absolutely delighted to say we’re going to be joined by a very special guest, Paula Willcox.
“Paula and her family have fostered over sixty vulnerable children and young people over the last twenty years. Paula will be on hand to go through her real-life experiences of fostering. Paula’s story is a testament to the incredible impact that foster carers can have. I never cease to be inspired by the journeys that all of our foster carers have been on – and those of the children they look after.”
Erika is keen to stress that there’s no obligation for anyone to take things further and that the webinar is all-inclusive.
“There’s no such thing as an ‘ideal’ foster carer. Foster carers come from all walks of life, do different kinds of jobs, and from all over Shropshire. We’re going to be dispelling some of those myths at the webinar.
“If you can provide a loving, stable home environment for as long as the child needs it, you’re halfway there. If anyone’s interested in taking it further, we’ll work with families to get it right for everyone.”
Paula recently guested on Radio Shropshire to share her story. She says:
“We are a fostering family and I’m proud to have all these extra kids who bring so much joy, banter and the stories I could tell, the fun we’ve had, the amazing times being this big family.
“If anyone is interested in finding out more about fostering, and wants to hear Paula’s story, then please join us,” says Erika.
“The webinar is only for 30 minutes – and that half an hour could be the start of a uniquely rewarding and fulfilling journey, whether that’s respite fostering for a few hours a week or long-term. We look forward to seeing as many people as possible.”
The webinar is on Thursday 20 March, between 6pm and 6.30pm on Teams. The link to register a place is here: Microsoft Virtual Events Powered by Teams.
To find out more about fostering with Shropshire Fostering, visit the website: Foster Care In Shropshire | Shropshire Fostering | Home