It’s always important to have the right outdoor gear, whether that’s warm and comfortable clothing or capable equipment. From kayaks to waterproof layers, outdoor specialist Blacks boasts camping and sports essentials for every adventure, making it a port of call for avid explorers.
Whether your hiking boots are giving you blisters just hours into the trail, or your swimsuit needs to be replaced with a wetsuit ahead of a trip to the coast, you name it and there’s probably a category for just that, and with both kids and adults essentials covered, it’s easy to get the whole family kitted out with what they need.
We’re always looking out for the best deals and discount codes, so we were eager to report that the retailer has slashed the price of thousands of products. Plus, there’s a discount code that will save you 15 per cent on selected items. Scroll on for some of our picks.
When it comes to supplementing your outdoor wardrobe, Black has options for every budget. Plus, personal style doesn’t need to be sacrificed when battling the elements, with lifestyle brands such as Merrell, Sweaty Betty, Adidas Terrex, Salomon and The North Face offering technical elements with fashionable pieces.
What’s more, Blacks offers a price match promise, which effectively means if you find a product cheaper somewhere else, the retailer says it’ll knock 10 per cent off the original price it was offering, so you can rest assured you’re bagging some of the best deals on the market.
Right now, you can save up to 60 per cent in the Blacks clearance sale. Case in point, there’s 40 per cent off The North Face’s women’s hathersage synthetic jacket (was £200, now £120, With its high neck and insulated design, it’s sure to keep you warm. As for a men’s option, Peter Storm’s men’s hooded active insulated jacket, in the red and black colourway, has 60 per cent off (was £80, now £32,
As for the best deals on shoes, you could, thanks to the sale, walk away with Merrel’s moab speed 2 gore-tex mid walking boots for women (was £160, now £105, When we reviewed them, they were the best for fast-paced hikers, described as “comfortable even on all-day hikes”, thanks feeling “springy underfoot”.
If you’re looking for something a little cheaper, there’s nearly 50 per cent off North Ridge’s flux speed waterproof mid walking boots for men (was £155, now £80, This is a reliable, tried and tested brand, with a similar from North Ridge being dubbed best for speed and comfort in our review of the best men’s walking boots.

To keep you sheltered from the cold while camping, you can save 31 per cent on the Outwell campion lux Double sleeping bag 2024 (was £79, now £54, With room for two people, it features two layers of insulation and a hood to trap in the heat. Outwell featured in our review of the best sleeping bags, so it’s a tried and trusted brand you can rely on.
There is also a discount code that could get you 15 per cent off selected lines. To see cash drop off your order, you’ll just make sure to add the all-important discount code “TAKE15” at the checkout. For instance, replacing your waterproof trousers could be 15 per cent cheaper when you opt for these Rab men’s magma light trousers (was £95, now £64.94, And if you’re a student, you can benefit from 15 per cent off, accessed through UniDays or Student Beans.
How we choose the best discount codes
To bring you the best discount codes across our carefully selected line-up of shops, we have a crack team of bargain hunters on high alert. From tech and beauty to home appliances and outdoor gear, we’d recommend bookmarking our dedicated deals page to get the latest and best money-saving discount codes. We only ever highlight offers from our tried and tested favourite retailers and brands.
Why you can trust us
The Independent has been a trusted consumer champion since 1986, reporting on behalf of our readers to find the best deals and discounts. Whether it’s new outdoorswear, regular deals coverage or helping you source the top offers during some of the biggest annual shopping events (think Amazon Prime Day, Black Friday and the Boxing Day sales), our team are always looking out for the best ways to save you money on the products worth buying. We only ever select offers on the brands and retailers that we trust.