Thank you, Mr Vice President.
And thank you for your update, High Commissioner.
First of all, we share your concern at Thailand’s decision to deport forty Uyghurs to China. We urge China to ensure they are treated in accordance with international standards.
Mr Vice President,
Sudan’s people have suffered enough. This Council’s Fact-Finding Mission has reported appalling violence women raped and sexually abused, people executed because of their ethnicity, children recruited as soldiers, and heavy artillery shelling including in civilian areas. All parties must adhere to their obligations to protect civilians and perpetrators of atrocities must be held accountable.
We commend DRC for its engagement with the Council and urge all parties to act in accordance with international law.
In Venezuela, civil society and independent media are targeted and political opposition face severe restrictions. We call on the authorities to immediately and unconditionally release those arbitrarily detained.
And in Guatemala, the continuing persecution of justice officials linked to the fight against corruption is deeply concerning and must stop.
Finally, Mr President,
The situation in Libya remains precarious, with armed groups and security actors operating with impunity. We urge all Libyan actors to comply with international law and engage in the UN-facilitated and Libyan-led political process in good faith.