Welshpool Road in Shrewsbury will be closed in one direction on the night of 19 to 20 February- – from 8pm to 6am – while Severn Trent replace a defective manhole cover outside the Oxon Priory Pub & Grill.
As the existing manhole cover is located close to the permanent traffic signals by the Shelton Road/Holyhead Road junction, the work will be carried out under a one-way closure. During the work Welshpool Road will be closed to traffic heading in a westbound direction (towards the A5).
A signed diversion route will be place and access will be maintained to residential properties and businesses.
Residents and local businesses will be notified and advance warning signs will be erected on site two weeks prior to works commencing.
The manhole isn’t in the the section of Welshpool Road that was resurfaced last year.