The Standards for Children is a framework for guiding youth justice agencies across England and Wales and setting expectations for ensuring that children receive the right interventions and support throughout their involvement with the justice system.
Analysis has been conducted of reporting on Standard 2 – At Court for 2023/24 and focuses on ensuring that children are treated fairly and supported appropriately during court proceedings. This analysis and evaluation is presented in the Standards report for 2025
The YJB’s report has identified several important system-wide themes, which highlight areas where improvements can be made. The scope of the work also includes support for victims.
In addition to providing insight into the work being done to assess and improve the youth justice system, the 2025 report provides a pathway for further collaboration and agreed action with youth justice agencies across the sector, aimed at creating more positive outcomes for children, while creating fewer victims and safer communities.
In the coming months, the YJB will collaborate with key stakeholders to discuss these findings and agree actionable steps to address the themes identified. The YJB is committed to this being a collaborative effort and believes this is essential to making meaningful changes and enhancing the experiences and outcomes for children in court.
The YJB is encouraging partner agencies across the youth justice sector to engage with this report and recognise the importance of the findings.
The YJB will continue to monitor progress and facilitate collaboration across the sector to bring about positive change.
Chief Executive of the YJB, Stephanie Roberts-Bibby, says
As an evidence-based organisation, the YJB is committed to translating the data and insights we capture into practical, sector-wide recommendations. These recommendations will focus on improving outcomes not only for children but also for victims and communities at large. The goal is to ensure a justice system that works more effectively, equitably, and compassionately for all involved.