Transport and
connectivity have a vital role in helping make Devon and Torbay the
best place to grow up, live happily and healthily, and prosper.
Reliable transport was
essential in enabling people to access employment, education,
healthcare and social activities. An affordable, sustainable and
connected transport system can help improve the quality of life for
Devon and Torbay’s residents and drive economic growth and
The way people travel
has changed. Technology and the increased use of online options has
influenced how people shop, work and access health care. People are
also travelling more for leisure and accessing the areas
outstanding coast and countryside across Devon and Torbay.
The vision and
objectives apply to the whole of Devon and Torbay. However, it is
also recognised that transport needs and solutions vary across
urban, rural and coastal areas.
Therefore, four place-based strategies within the Local Transport
Plan have been created. These address the distinct needs in these
areas and recognise that some objectives would be more important in
certain places.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: High level of public interest;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 27/02/2025
Decision due: 18 Mar 2025 by Cabinet
Lead member: Cabinet Member for Pride in Place and Parking
Lead director: Director of Pride in Place
Contact: Divisional Director of Planning, Housing & Climate Emergency.
Consultation process
Public engagement was
held during October and November 2024 including meetings,
circulation of papers and survey via Torbay Council and Devon
County County’s websites.
Members of the Public, Stakeholders and
Overview and Scrutiny.
If you want to make representations contact:: Strategy and Project Management, Spatial Planning, Torbay Council, Town Hall, Castle Circus, Torquay, email [email protected]