Venue: Burdette Room, Riviera International Conference Centre, Chestnut Avenue, Torquay
Contact: Lisa Antrobus
Note: Please note the Cabinet meeting will commence on the rising of the Council meeting being held on 9 January 2025 at 5.30 pm.
No. |
Item |
To receive apologies
for absence.
Minutes PDF 950 KB
To confirm as a
correct record the Minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 17
December 2024.
Disclosure of Interests
To receive declarations of non
pecuniary interests in respect of items on this
reference: Having declared their
non pecuniary interest members may
remain in the meeting and speak and, vote on the matter in
question. A completed disclosure of interests form should be
returned to the Clerk before the conclusion of the
To receive declarations of disclosable pecuniary
interests in respect of items on this agenda.
reference: Where a Member has a
disclosable pecuniary interest he/she must leave the meeting during
consideration of the item. However, the Member may remain in the
meeting to make representations, answer questions or give evidence
if the public have a right to do so, but having done so the Member
must then immediately leave the meeting, may not vote and must not
improperly seek to influence the outcome of the matter. A completed
disclosure of interests form should be returned to the Clerk before
the conclusion of the meeting.
(Please Note: If Members and Officers wish to seek advice
on any potential interests they may have, they should contact
Governance Support or Legal Services prior to the
Urgent Items
To consider any other
items the Chairman decides are urgent.
Matters for Consideration
English Devolution White Paper
To consider the
recommendations of the Council in respect of Devolution.
Live Streaming
encourage more people to engage in our public meetings the Council
is live streaming our Cabinet meetings on our YouTube channel in
addition to recording the meetings and publishing the recording on
our website. To watch the meeting live
please visit