I have the honour to make this statement on behalf of the following 42 participating States Albania, Austria, Andorra, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Germany, Georgia, Greece, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, North Macedonia, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America.
Mr. Chair, Russia’s unprovoked, unjustifiable war of aggression against Ukraine has shown the Kremlin’s contempt for the fundamental norms of the international rules-based order, including the UN Charter and the principles of the Helsinki Final Act. Russia’s aggressive behaviour remains the main threat to comprehensive security and cooperation in the OSCE area and with dangerous effects beyond. We reiterate our firm support for the independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders.
In the midst of its war of aggression against Ukraine, the Russian Federation conducts hostile activities aimed at fostering distrust in our democratic institutions, undermining free and fair elections, negatively affecting the exercise of human rights and fundamental freedoms, degrading our critical infrastructure, subverting democratic processes, undermining international structures, targeting government entities, exacerbating polarization within societies and destabilizing societal cohesion across the OSCE region.
Russia applies conventional, cyber and hybrid threats towards its neighbours and other OSCE participating States. Russia is using sabotage operations and espionage, acts of violence, assassination attempts, disinformation campaigns, information manipulation and interference, malicious cyber activities, air space violations, GPS jamming against civil aviation, political subversion, instrumentalization of irregular migration, economic coercion and other hybrid operations to achieve its geopolitical goals.
Acting under the guise of a state-media organization, Russia also conducts hostile covert information operations, which are further amplified through social media, including Russia’s diplomatic representations. These covert information operations are targeting countries around the world, including in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas.
Russia’s malign activity is aimed at challenging the rules-based international order, justifying Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, deflecting responsibility for the global consequences of its war of aggression, and undermining international solidarity in support for Ukraine and its rightful self-defence.
We strongly condemn such malicious activities conducted by the Russian Federation in the OSCE area and beyond. This continuous pattern of irresponsible behaviour runs counter to the principles of the Helsinki Final Act and OSCE commitments agreed by all participating states, including the Russian Federation.
We underline that Russia’s attempts to undermine support to Ukraine will not succeed. Instead, they are only strengthening our resolve and our unwavering commitment to Ukraine.
Russia must respect the OSCE principles and commitments, end its illegal war, withdraw all its forces from Ukraine within its internationally recognised borders, and stop its malign activities towards other OSCE participating States and OSCE Partners for Cooperation.
Protecting our open societies, our shared values and our democratic principles is the top priority for our governments. We remain committed to holding to account those responsible for international crimes and supporting those affected by their violations and abuses, including the people of Ukraine but also those in other countries affected by Russia’s malign activities. We are determined to prevent, deter and respond to Russia’s malicious behaviour and destabilising activities. We will continue to strengthen our resilience, including by exposing the tactics, techniques and procedures of Russia’s malign activities and will continue to develop our individual and collective capacity to counter hybrid threats. We believe that the OSCE should contribute to enhancing our common resilience and awareness.
We will continue to provide all relevant support to Ukraine and other OSCE participating States to strengthen their resilience in the face of destabilising activities by Russia and to erode Russia’s capacity to conduct covert influence operations. It is in our common interest to change Russia’s aggressive behaviour. I thank you.