Decision Maker: Chief Executive
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
That approval be given
for demolition of the remaining section of Victoria (Garfield Road)
Multi Storey Car Park and Victoria Shopping Centre (to be
undertaken in phases depending on unit vacancies) and temporary
repurposing of the land as a surface Car Park.
Reasons for the decision:
To ensure the Council
maintains the progress of the regeneration programme in Paignton
and the proposed redevelopment of the land at Victoria Square into
a residential mixed used development, whilst providing interim car
parking capacity as other schemes are progressed.
Alternative options considered:
To not carry out the
demolition now would risk losing the allocated funding from Central
Government, delay the regeneration programme and not mitigate
against parking pressures.
This decision will be
implemented immediately.
The Council is
focussed on delivery of a range of regeneration schemes across
Torbay. In this regard, Willmott Dixon, with Milligan, has been
appointed as
its regeneration partner. The partner has been progressing
the development of the schemes for Crossways and Victoria Shopping
Centre together with sites in Torquay.
Delivery of a scheme in Crossways is a significant priority and the
partner expects, subject to planning and funding, to be in a
position whereby a Crossways scheme can begin on site in winter
2025. The now fully funded Paignton & Preston Promenade project
will begin in the first quarter of 2025. It is recognised that with
these two developments occurring this will place a strain on the
availability of parking in Paignton. To mitigate this pressure, the
Council has been exploring ways in which parking capacity can be
sustained while these two major developments are delivered. Whilst
a range of options have been considered, including parking being
displaced to out of town centre locations, it is recommended that
the best way to provide the required temporary capacity is the
demolition of the Victoria Centre structures (undertaken in phases
when units become empty) with them being replaced for the short to
medium term by a surface level car park, with a security fence
around the site. The work will be funded from Future High Streets
Funding as set out in the Capital Plan.
Interests and Nature of Interests Declared:
Publication date: 08/10/2024
Date of decision: 07/10/2024